Sunday, March 20, 2011

Singing and "More Weee"

Some notes before you watch this video:
*  Dex -thinks- he can jump.  We are working on it...
*  He LOVES to watch himself on video.  He especially loves for me to turn the monitor around on the video camera so he can watch himself in action.  Commence the singing and being silly.
*  He is learning "Jesus Loves Me."  He has a long way to go :)  BUT I can still tell what he's singing when I hear him try!
*  "Weeee-ing" has turned into meaning swinging, sliding, OR me twirling him in circles by the arms and then us both eventually falling down to the ground.  We do the last one in our front yard.   He always comes back and asks for "more weee" and it is one of the cutest things I think he says :) 


  1. I actually laughed out loud at this video! So cute. :)

    ~Aunt Shannon
